One of the first recipe’s I learned from my mother. Okra is an eclectic vegetable with a lot of different ways of preparation. It can be chopped into pieces stir fried with spices, pickled , salted or added to gravy-based preparations.. Its rich in vitamins A, B6, C, folic acid and fiber for all my health conscious folks.

Yesterday was a hectic day at work because I got to work early and left late. To top it off yesterday was Lohri (Indian harvest festival) and I wanted some lohri eats so I trucked to the Indian grocery store to get some Gajak (dessert item traditionally eaten during Lohri). However, to my luck it was out of stock so I bought some grocery items for the house (green chilis, naan and squash) and drove myself home in traffic. Did I say it was hectic day? When I got home my amazing dad had already went grocery shopping. He told me about all the things he bought for me; all my favorite vegetables and fruits (green peppers, eggplant, okra, plums, oranges, strawberries). Amazing dad right? Bhindi happens to be my second favorite vegetable, after eggplant. Right then and there as I took out the groceries I bought, I decided to cook okra. Its fast, simple, and tastes awesome. And because it made me happy!
1 lbs. okra ½ cup olive oil
1 red onion (medium)
2-3 green chili hot
1/2 tbsp. salt
1/2 tbsp. red pepper (extra hot)
1/2 tbsp. aamchur (mango powder)
1 tbsp. turmeric powder
Salt, red pepper and aamchur should be added according to your taste
1. Using a strainer, wash the okra under cold water. Let the water drain out completely else the okra becomes sticky and stringy.
2. Cut the okra round about 1/2 inch wide. Trim the ends
3. Take a large pan and put it over medium heat
4. Add the olive oil and heat the oil for 1-2 minutes, pay close attention: do not burn the oil
5. Add the cut okra to the pan and shake the pan to layer the okra evenly, you are stir frying the okra
Tip from my mother: When cooking okra the less you touch it with a utensil the better! Okra has a habit of becoming sticky and stringy.
6. Cover the pan and cook for 8-10 minutes
7. Every 2-3 minutes shake the pan to toss the okra
8. Meanwhile, slice the red onion and using your hands, take out the layers of the onion.
9. Now, cut the green chili peppers round 1/2 inch wide
10. After 8-10 minutes, open the pan cover and layer the onion and pepper over the okra
11. Add salt, red pepper, turmeric powder
12. Taking a spoon or spatula lightly toss the okra with the rest the of the ingredients. Be very gentle with the okra
13. Place the cover back on the pan and cook for another 5-10 minutes until the onions become tender
14. Add aamchur powder and take the pan off the heat
Tip from my mother: add the aamchur last. aamchur naturally tends to make the okra sticky and stringy. by adding the aamchur last you avoid this.
Bhindi goes well with roti and side of sweet dahi (yogurt)
Just the way I like it!